
I maintain that the effectiveness of the Star Destroyer stems from not only its massive firepower, but from its size. When citizens look at a Star Destroyer and then compare it to the craft which might be mustered to attack it, they have a tendency to dismiss such a notion as suicidal rather than approach the problem tactically.


The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was a model of Imperial-class Star Destroyer in the service of the Imperial Navy. A wedge-shaped capital ship, it bristled with weapons emplacements, assault troops, boarding craft, and TIE fighter series starfighters. In the era of the Galactic Empire, its command bridge was staffed by the finest crewmen in the navy.
With a length of 1,600 meters, the wedge-shaped Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was 445 meters longer than its immediate predecessor, the Venator-class Star Destroyer, which had been developed for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. In keeping with the Empire’s habit of favoring muted colors whenever possible, the hull of the Imperial-class was painted in whitish gray, while the Venator-class of the Clone Wars era had red markings denoting the Republic’s diplomatic immunity.

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer bristled with weapons emplacements. 60 Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolaser batteries, 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons, and ten Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors dotted its whitish gray hull. At the very front of the ship existed the forward pursuit tractor beam array. The ship also featured six dual heavy turbolaser turrets, two quad heavy turbolasers, three triple medium turbolasers, and two medium turbolasers. The Imperial I-class also featured two dual heavy ion cannon turrets that lined the dorsal superstructure flanking the command tower. The turbolaser turrets of an ISD were hooked to large arrays of auxiliary power cells. At both „ends“ of the Star Destroyer existed an aft point defense laser cannon.

By far the heaviest weapons on the ship were the six turbolaser turrets positioned alongside the two ion turrets. With a diameter of 50 meters, each turbolaser was capable of ripping through heavy armor and overloading shields. Although it was difficult to hit small, fast-moving craft, even a glancing blow would destroy them.

On the underside of the very tip of the ISD was the navigational deflector generator. It had heavy shielding strong enough to easily withstand a collision with a GR-75 medium transport with no damage to the hull. The Star Destroyer’s targeting computers were produced by LeGrange.

Within its vast belly hangar bays, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer typically carried an impressive complement of troops, consisting of seventy-two TIE fighter series starfighters, eight Lambda-class T-4a shuttles, twenty AT-AT walkers, thirty AT-ST or AT-DP walkers, and fifteen Imperial Troop Transports. Despite its fighter complement, Imperial I-class vessels proved less effective against skilled rebel pilots than their Venator-class predecessors had been against droid starfighters.[1] They were nonetheless essential in the Imperial doctrine of planetary containment and fast infantry deployment, and the vessel was noted as one of the most resource-intensive ships in the Imperial Navy.

With each purchase, you will get 1 Imperial Star Destroyer -Class I Rogue One Version ship miniature .

Miniature will fit in Armada flight bases.

Miniature comes unpainted.

Miniature is printed in Clear or Grey Resin.

Base Not included.

Model created by:

Ethan LeRoith

Produced and distributed under commercial licence from Ethan LeRoith.


20,2 x 12,43 x 5,6 cm

Suitable for any fleet Tabletop Game.

All Artist Products :

Ethan LeRoith