Quality. Reliability. Support.
The Resin Engine is operated by a small team of tabletop enthusiasts and a group talented model artists from all over the world.
It is our dedicated goal to provide you with individually designed and crafted miniatures to bring your tabletop games and collections to the Next Level.
We’re aiming for the highest grades of quality and reliability achievable without running an industrial-grade production,
both in terms of choosing the right artists for our shop and putting state-of-the-art production equiment to effective use.
If you have any questions, please feel free to visit our FAQ selection and don’t hesitate to contact us!
The Resin Engine
Next Level 3D Printing Store
Inhaber: Julian Rasch aka Revan
Alte Schulstraße 2
53229 Bonn
Email: theresinengine@gmail.com
Verantwortlich i.S.d. §5 Telemediengesetz: Julian Rasch
Webdesign: NextSawyer (nextsawyer@gmail.com)
Webprovider: CrashAcademy Holding UG (haftungsbeschränkt)